
People of Faith of Upper Darby invite you to stand with us for Love, not hate, Peace, not violence. 

Alleluia Revival Ministries | Bethel Community Baptist Church | Beverly Hills Peace Community Church | Careview Community Church | Christ Community Lutheran Church | Christ’s Community Church | Christian Science Society | Church of the Holy Comforter | Collenbrook United Church | Drexel Hill United Methodist Church | Epiphany House | Faithful Immanuel Lutheran Church | First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne | Fresh Anointing Christian Center | Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church | Incarnation Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church | Islamic Center of Delaware County | Llanerch Hills Chapel | Prayer Chapel Church of God in Christ | St. Laurence Parish | St. Michael’s Episcopal Church | St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church | St. Mary Magdalene Community | Theatre 7000 / Inner-City Movement | Veterans Chapel | Word Formed Church | …add your name: